Make your home a safe and secure space by prepping with the right supplies. Take action now to protect your family. Click below to explore every essential item.

Food and Water Storage

Why It Matters: In disasters, grocery stores run out of food fast. A well-stocked pantry can keep you fed for days, weeks, or even months.

Home Security

Why It Matters: Emergencies can lead to power outages or increased crime. A secure home keeps intruders out and your family safe.

First aid Kit

Why It Matters: In an emergency, hospitals may be overwhelmed. A solid first aid kit lets you treat injuries at home.

Backup Power and Lighting

Why It Matters: Blackouts can last for days. Backup power keeps devices running and lights on.

Sanitation and Hygiene

Why It Matters: Without proper sanitation, disease spreads quickly. Cleanliness is essential for health and well-being.

Communication and Information

Why It Matters: Staying informed during an emergency is crucial for safety and decision-making.

Tools and Gear

Why It Matters: Having the right tools can help you solve problems, repair things, and maintain your home during an emergency.

Mental Health and Entertainment

Why It Matters: Long emergencies can take a toll on your mental health. Keeping your spirits up and staying entertained is just as important as having food and water.